Our team

Lead Pastor

Alex Portillo

Pastor Alex graduated from Burman University with an undergraduate degree in Religious Studies & Biblical languages and Andrews University with a Masters in Divinity. He is passionate about spiritual disciplines, wisdom literature, and expository preaching. His personal interests are in weightlifting and specialty coffee. He is a husband, father, pastor, and amateur writer. He lives in Vancouver, WA, with his wife Chelsea, their son Ismael, and their dog Nimbus. 


Larry Gibson

Elder Larry is a kind-hearted person who loves to help. When he is not serving at the church, he is a successful business man. He is a husband, father, grandfather, and electrician.

Head Elder

Kalvin Morauske

Elder Kalvin has faithfully served Hockinson Heights for many years. Currently, he teaches early teens and youth Sabbath school and assists with audio-visual. He is passionate about helping others (especially students) know that God's Word can be trusted. His personal interest is in understanding the natural world, health, and self-improvement. He is a husband, father, grandfather, and home health physical therapist.